Monday, 6 November 2023

Human Nature

By: Jonathan Seidel

Orality and laconian real and hyperreality 

Lacanian real embodies a spiritual unknown in the depths of human reality. Reality is run by symbolic representation to signify objects. Language is a construct of interpretation. Signs are models of socially constructed communication. Yet the real manifests behind the veil of social experimentation. The real is stable and neutral in its professed perpetuity. Yet the real is universal. It transcends the modalities dividing human collaboration. It unifies humanity in connective maturity. 

A world fragmented by otherness is burdened to dispel us-them paradigms. Slogans and billboards highlight the difference evident in human objectification. Even if we were all blind, we would find variance. Our tribalistic tendencies would not vanish without sight. Our ears would pick up on the vocal divergences and place the lisps in a camp. Those who pronounce words differently or with a horrid accent would be divided. Even to remove all sensory qualities. To be a lame deaf mute would be “less than human” but primitive as may be avails any sense of otherness. Yet such a figure is a vegetable unable to calculate for himself the presence of otherness. By virtue of recognizing something beyond himself with faculties beyond himself would trigger otherness tribalism if possible. 

Humanity is destined to designate detriment. To find fault in others. A scapegoat for his own inadequacy. Absent accountability, he lives blissfully. Radically abrasive in his own insecurities musters opposition to disagreements. Hiding in his own shadow. Commonalities to shield his own uniqueness as a target of denigration. Finding comfort in conformity. Constructing false personas to fit an agenda. To fit a paradigm foreign to the self. Boxing in personal credentials to make others comfortable. At the expense of the self. Not doing any favors. The result is a discombobulated unrecognizable self. Coercing self appraisal in hope of external acceptance. 

Signification is culturally relative. Language is a privatized personalization. A communitarian hub of social cohesion. Man eclipses the difference verbally. He transforms from primitive to cognitive. The elemental connection mutually advances with sonic synchronization. The ability to communicate aligns thoughts and intent. It professes a singularity capturing the binary linkage. To connect us through qualified symbolism. Though language can be weaponized to divide it is the sole mode of enunciation. We relate to the world via this common verbalization. It enables briefs to be pronounced and properly understood. Silence hinders such a capability.

Language is a social construct embedded in human ontology. Man’s inclinations are surreal in the presence of absolute liberty. Yet he is a slave to his desire. Stooped in an egotistical battle, he fancies societal implications. He is told by the uneducated what is important and works to achieve these means. A checklist to complete in a lifetime. Aspiring to be the film fiction character charming the audience. The protagonist manipulates the masses to seek mundane matters to complete the self. A way of life for all man. Such influence is endemic and toxic. As if Hollywood is tactically puppeteering society. An elitist cabal of sorts with unimaginable power and influence.

Film has played a big part on people’s conception of life. Trying to turn their lives into video games. Wishing to be those characters in real life. Fiction is translated into reality in its merited appropriation. Yet film is not the first menace but the most prudent. While novella discusses hypotonic plot lines, the imaginative clause keeps a fictional basis to it. There is an element of uncertainty. Film tricks the mind. It presents fiction as fact, the illusionary are real. People who lie for a living are the pinnacles of excellence. Their constant media and central focus captures their deep importance to the people. Their voice carries unsolicited weight in the minds of their listeners. The public’s admiration for such shadiness is despicable.

Role models and fame have been confused. The wise are no longer the older generation but the liars. Those who change their minds each and everyday. Those who cannot properly provide a legit political point. Just pundits with excuses. An irritating selfishness consuming society. The greedy elites pass on their corrupted living tips down to the masses. Mind boggling does not begin to explain the dire situation. Taking advice from repeated talking points. Inverse psychology provide relief to the public’s self image. The pubic believes in their own free will but such ideological motivation was predetermined via hypnosis. It was planted in the mind by a clever magician. A spectacular ruse that has ensnared almost everyone. The few proud escapees fled waking up from the matrix.

Wealth is power. It has always been and may always be. Wealth provides access. Especially in our technologically advanced world a handful of people can attain the results unbeknownst to the masses. To afford special privileges places one in a category of their own. Work costs money and for the right price anyone can be sold. Money is necessary so are aesthetics. If money is important it ought to be used wisely. To spend on materialistic nonsense is illusionary. When the masses are hypnotized to believe that price means speciality. It also means scarcity. The way something looks and successfully advertised redirects the public’s attention toward stuff as the object of importance.

The ego needs to be acknowledged. Some clever capitalists brainwashed the public to believe that certain stuff is more important. Not just important but to save face in society. Encumbered by peer pressure, we need to satisfy the status quo. Obsessed with respect. Such respect apparently is joined with conformity. The outcast is the outlier. Fall in line or be scorned. Do what is expected of you. How dare you be unique and isolate from the preferred standards. Trends are set by trendsetters. There is no positivistic apparel (except wool and leather). Kennedy was a trendsetter. As a national icon even a global one he took a step back and decided not to wear a hat in office. Though unofficially ended in the 20s, the most powerful man not wearing one meant something. 

Many trendsetters are unaware of their influence. Their goal is not to coerce the masses. People have their fashion agendas but their power is in their publicity. As icons they carry major weight. Their profound wisdom is a subjective opinion. A declarative statement. When the unintentional becomes a living reality. The trendsetter is long gone. The link is marred by social approval. The trendsetter lights the match and it spreads like wildfire. The forest is frozen in place watching in horror as the fire consumes it whole. Some trunks survive the blaze but clinging to little life remains. Alone trying to stand tall amidst the terminal depressive loneliness. Mass hypnosis cannot easily be overpowered. Immunity to the toxin is with the antidote. Internal dialogue and introspection can formally bewilder the self past the illusionary trend. 

Foucauldian power argues for immanence of power. It is force relations or connections not hierarchical power. The continued democratic liberalism persists in this binary feature. The Marxist oppressor is presented in the intersectionality of excessive victimization. Placed in categories by privilege: race, nationality, and gender. People do weaponize their afforded liberties but presenting this dynamic further divides the people. The stigmatization of groups by virtue of biology is an unfair characterization. Stereotypical normatively furthers false meta-narratives. Agenda driven oppressed people reinforces systemic discrimination. There are bad eggs but the illusion of tyrannical targeted tragedies is gravely mistaken. There is no nationwide pogrom destined to wreak havoc. 

Strawmanning people by their genetic makeup attacks their ontology. Privileges provided are less the reality and more the fiction. Yet this fiction becomes reality the more it’s preached. The more discrimination is pronounced the more ire is returned. Race becomes the central focus of relationship. It becomes the centre of one’s being. It deconstructs the entire premise of MLK’s thinking. There are obvious issues but introducing a racial ideology is less a protest and more a revolution. It’s not imperfection but eternal damnation. One side is fated to mistreat and misjudge the other. There is no reconciliation and so the sole solution is to mark that inferiority and divisive failure.

Apologists stand tall fortifying their decaying wall. Jericho will fall. The system must be preserved. The core to protected. The market is pure and the misfortunes are incidental and consequential. It happens, such is life. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Everyman for himself in the world of economic elevation. It is only money, there are more important values to be honed. Not everyone is born on equal footing. Not every plate is provided the same quantity of produce. A rat race to the bottom is a disfigured monstrosity on display. A competition that cares little for the humanity itself. The ontological notions of enlightenment are thrown down the drain in the pursuit of the defensible core. 

The mantras of old need to be revamped. Their impact ought to be actively endorsed. A monolithic echo chamber of archaic dogma to surplus the very freedom supported. The ideas embedded in the national consciousness to be partially implemented. Only permit that which follows the partisan thinking. Freedom is limited in its care for the concerned. It's restriction not against tyranny but against social independence. Hypocrisy stirs in the light of an agenda he has sought. A seeming selectivity for his goals. Preach the old ideas while muttering the enlightenment ideals. Prioritising when it pleases the desire. 

Impossible harmony encircles the unyielding power dynamic. The frame game constructs this stumbling reality. Stooped in propagandizing the perceived reality is tainted with tribalistic division. Relations falter as appearances take the primary seat over attributes. Our instinctive reactions rationalize immediately and classify by surface information. The deeper experience is voided by semantics. No longer is the unique internalized as an individual amongst himself but as a group with baggage. Identification is a yellow star on the chest announcing one’s affiliation. The land of opportunity is regulated to some fortunate. The goal isn’t to forget the disparity but not base it in dogmatic quotations. It’s a mechanical issue not an ontological one.  

Liberation from the tragic horrors of the past radicalizes into a beast bound for nowhere. A false eden on the horizon deluded by euphoric toxins. The flood gates are opened and all is wiped away. The walls crumble en route to the palace of secrecy. Rules are outdated and are to be voided. Anarchic tendencies fuel the rage of the liberators. Mechanical alterations are not sufficient and the broken piece needs to be replaced. A new world order is necessary to refashion the corrupted society. The socialized rules are no longer relevant nor capable. The revolution must prevail over the archaic limits. 

Symbolic representation is clouded social construction. Relativism at its very best. Buying into the ideas that fit the selfish stream. It is all encased in a matrix of desire. A will of encoded DNA bound to entertain the agenda paved for him. His fate was set. Without any block nor obstacle his mind will never change. His perception if fixed, fixated on the diabolical other. The social order is imprinted into a circus of ideas. Each side defending their post never wishing to put down their arms. The real stands beyond angelic and untainted. Yet the symbolic seducer shuts the greyish eyes for robotic continuation. 

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