Phone photography and wedding photographers: quantity vs quality (Barthes, 91)
Apple has launched new iPhones each year and their most prized innovation is always the camera. Whether customers purchase the new model for its camera or because its new thing is debatable. Yet apple continues to modify a portion that has little do with the phone’s actual use.
Apple has improved many of its technical aspects. Advancing their CPU and GPU among other important aspects. Yet these are rarely discussed. Presumably because they would bore the customer. Advertisements would be dull. Instead, what does fascinate is the camera. Everyone knows what a camera is and how it works. The innovative camera is a reflection of the rest of the phone. This is a cop out failing to generate true innovation. The camera seems to be the last of what people desire but it actually is the opposite. The emergence of snapchat, instagram and TikTok has only boosted this camera advance. At the beginning of the 2010s posting pictures was a necessity to keep up with the social trend. Videos began flourishing on vine and then more popularly on YouTube. The phone became a gadget not of verbal communication but visual communication. Not through speech but through images. Fascinating in its own right, iPhones were a one-way tool to accessing pictures and uploading them to social media. Quick snap on the go and update.
A leave of privacy has emerged in communication. Not privacy in a sense of hiding information but in delayed responses. Someone may be busy so send a text and they’ll answer when they are ready. In the texting format, it doesn’t matter if the person is online or not (though if their phone isn’t on they receive it until they turn on their phone). While we may hope the person responds immediately, texting has provided that distance to permit space to reply. It is takes away all the confrontational components. There is no encounter. A message sent without experience. The phone acts as belated conversation. Transition that to images posted is in a similar format. Feeling like posting this picture and feeling like liking this picture. It’s delayed gratification but out in the public on record. An update tool encoded forever. Though the intent of delayed communication has frizzled. A text intended to notify is now a conversation starter. The strategic element exploited. The photographic enterprise feeds right into the coddling of the fluid mind. A picture taken immediately to be posted and liked. Scrolling through hearting pictures of friends and interests. Hidden behind a screen but duly interested in the matters of the world. The gadget keeps people in the rat race.
Gratification is important so pictures need to be perfect. Without professional equipment, the camera phone is inferior and the picture ugly. If the picture can’t be posted it can't be admired then it can’t be liked so no one will acknowledge. The ease of the gadget is a virtue communicative device. The camera completes its function. If there is no camera then no pictures can be posted. The camera acts as a key appliance of the iPhone. The phone can call, text, take pictures and surf the web. While other phones can do most of them, the ability to link camera to internet is critical. Able to quickly move pictures from the camera roll to the social media profile page. The camera is so important in an age of constant photo blogging. Updating galleries and illustrations to notify the world. It is a communication skill. A display of fun and enjoyment in the moment. Those pictures taken with friends celebrating the evening can be whisked onto social media for friends to comment how lovely and jealous they are. The ease is simplistic and cordial. Post the fun and rejoice in the praise. Only good pictures can make it to the feed, a good camera is crucial to ensure the post looks damn good.
Posters on social media are photography novices. While some may boldly claim to be amazing at it, most are subpar at the art. No editing schools nor any idea of how to balance the camera setting. The hope of the iPhone is that it does all the handiwork for you. The picture doesn’t look good because you are such a good photographer but because the iPhone’s camera is advanced. The selfish pride that follows the praise is stolen from the technological aid doing most of the heavy lifting. You moved your legs but your father carried you to the end of the hallway. There was some activity on the photographers part but it was overwhelmingly the phone’s credentials. If people are so concerned with their images all the time, then a superior camera must be developed to meet this demand. To reduce all the editing and regrets, a stupendous camera is modified. Each year outdoing the year before. To perfect an art so desired (though men could probably do away with the entire function instead focus in a different direction—making a gendered phone). Assisting the amateur is the primary goal of the update. Making sure at the end of the night they are satisfied with their pictures.
These pictures are taken on the go. Mobile images are more likely to seem out of place, spontaneous and at times bunched in a large crowd. There isn’t time to set up a nice canvas nor set down the tripod for more scenic imagery. The iPhone camera is for quick snaps. Most of the time putting the flash off to swiftly get the pic and move on. It may take a few to satisfy but the hope is to reach immediate satisfaction. For the technology to make up for the depressing skill. The interest in professional technology is to be the photographer. For anyone to compliment the skill. For the iPhone to be picture perfect every time. Even if an awkward stance the photo will make up for it. It as if it has its own intelligence to ensure the best quality. A replica of the Barney Stinson picturesque perfection. No matter the situation or the angle, the image will do the job. Gradually improving on the technology each year. Each new iPhone attempts to outdo the camera of the old. To reach that peak of picturesque perfection. The mobile attire promises security in the heat of the moment. For a passerby to pick it up with ease. Amateurs are to feel like professionals.
Memories are made on the go. Instead of packing equipment, memories can be stored in the camera roll. Social media is an added bonus but it is not the primary use. A phone is the top priority to be handled. A device that ensures safety and simple communication. It is never left at home. Whether a trip to the city with friends or a solo journey in the hilltops, a phone will be placed in the pocket. On these ventures, the phone acts a multi-tool gadget. It can capture the novelty and enjoyment of the adventure. The camera is a simple tool on the phone but recalls the memories of the moment. Awed by the experience record the event for memory. The camera is special as it is self communicative device. It is not to contact others but to record oneself. The gadget handles well. Pulling out the cellphone to remember the sunset or the drinks from the bar. No extra equipment necessary. A mobile device in the palm of the hand. The power to remember and the power to capture the present. The phone part has been continually perfected but that is to be expected. The camera gives more depth to the phone. Electrifying its utility and encouraging its variety of qualities.
Apple’s improvements have been synonymous with advancing cinematography. Social media definitely plays a role in desiring a direct link between the picture and post. To be able to upload the image swiftly. It also acts as a gadget of sorts. An electronic leatherman that has various uses. The camera is a part of the gadget that is enthralling. Capturing moments and loading them to the memory. The readily updates are publicly desired for that medium, for the gadget to be perfected to its greatest utility.
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